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Submit your ORDER# or Receipt# and receive TWO FREE GIFTS IMMEDIATLY!


Get an Exclusive 2hr Video Teaching session and book discussion with Shawn Leonard

Recording from Saturday August 12th, 2023

Shawn Leonard (Author),

Mik’maq Artist - Tracey Metallic (Illustrator),

Mik’maq Graphic Artist - Aaron Googoo (Illustrator)

Hay House Publishing October 24th 2023

Order “Wisdom of the Elders”

Oracle Card Deck

Submit your Order# or Receipt# and Receive TWO FREE GIFTS IMMEDIATLY!


ACCESS to 2 Recorded LIVE Video Teachings and group sessions with Shawn Leonard utilizing the cards. 

(Recorded August 24th & 25th)

“Shawn Leonard has a true gift, a unique ability to see beyond what most of us are capable of seeing, and his willingness to share that with the world is a blessing to us all. I highly recommend his work as he has personally delivered to me personal and profound insight.” - Serena Dyer (Daughter of Dr Wayne Dyer)


White Eagle Spirit Talker